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Plan A Home Watch is a business that provides services to individuals that are out of their home for anywhere from a couple days to months at a time. We provide services that keep those homeowners comfortable by checking on their home inside and out and making sure there are no issues. Learn more about what these services are by clicking the button below!
Our team of accredited and insured professionals has years of experience in the home services industry, sales, management and consulting. We are dedicated to staying up-to-date on the latest technologies and techniques to provide you with the best home watch services possible.
Choose from our menu of services to meet all of your needs. We are here to help every step of the way. All consultations are confidential.
Plan A Home Watch is recognized by the National Home Watch Association as being credible for our honesty and services provided. All Homewatchers with Plan A Home Watch have taken extensive training in order to accommodate and provide 5 star service for their clients.
The National Home Watch Association performs background checks on all their members.
To get a quote, or if you have questions or special requests, just drop us a line.
Caron Koteles Riha #08230332
Lauren Koteles #08230333
The National Home Watch Association defined Home Watch as “a visual inspection of a home or property, looking for obvious issues.”